The Second Amendment


i’m with you, more or less. with a caveat.

if we solved racism altogether, if we removed all vestiges of the abomination that was slavery, and the confederate flag, if we had only loving homes and Christian teachings, if we somehow stopped terrorism dead on its feet, if we eliminated police over-reach, we’d still have the massacre of little children in a CT elementary school, the slaughter of movie-goers in a Colorado theater and in a columbine (CO) high school, we’d still have the Arizona mall shooting that killed a bunch and gravely injured a congresswoman.

The common denominator in all this is the gun: the lack of its control and the easy access to it.

Now, i have the utmost reverence for the United States constitution, and the founding fathers who constructed it in elegant prose. i agree it should not be changed at every whim. but we have amended it 27 times. before the 19th, i, as a woman, couldn’t vote.

So it’s time to revisit this idea of, ‘the right to bear arms’, which was written when the roaming outlaws could hurt the pioneers living on the frontier plains, and it was designed to give them the right to protect themselves and theirs from harm, and the word ‘militia’ is in there somewhere, too.

We have moved out from the wild west and the barren plains and advanced to strong laws and stricter policing, but a whole lot of crazies (sorry, i couldn’t think of a better word) are buying guns the same way i buy milk. and they can decide to snap at any time.

I’m with the president on this one. imagine that! he’s right, no advanced nation has this kind of mass killings from within. Europeans are appalled with this kind of gun proliferation, and miffed by our seeming inertia towards it. In a bit of irony, they hold dear the right to free speech the way Americans hold gun rights.

Having said all this, i have no idea how we’ll go about to bring change on this one, so that some day, simple folks studying the Holy Scripture in the peacefulness of a church sanctuary will go home to tell about it.

on a positive note, this time around, there is only ‘one side’ to this tragedy. no two sides as to who was in the right.

regards to Susy, and happy summer solstice…
